"(Hear Now) Festival director Levick's disturbing 'The Messiah' for speaking cellist, (with) Cecilia Tsan reciting a text about a cello-playing savior unable to save the world (was a ) standout."
- Mark Swed, LA Times, May, 2017
"REMNANTS OF SYMMETRY was a marvelous moment for me to be able to penetrate with such ease the fragmented, intimate world of this composer whose music never completely excludes lyricism."
- Stephane Grismunde
"Levick channel(s) Bach's mental energies and Hindemith's angularities."
- Rodney Punt, Huffington Post
"Buy It! Anchored by the Diotima String Quartet, one of today's very best quartets, especially for the repertory of contemporary music, REMNANTS OF SYMMETRY allows us to enter more deeply into the extremely interesting music of composer Hugh Levick."
- Vincent Guillemin, ResMusica

'MOUTHWATERS' reveals Levick as a powerful evoker of the shadow world lurking behind his music.
"...he's a capable composer and Solo #3 demonstrated his instrumental and improvisational skill with uncontrollable soft, high squeaks, long, raucous multiphonics and other unusual effects spun into a varied but coherent line."
- Gregory Sandow, Village Voice
"...Levick's a composer whose music can be twisting, atonal and contrapuntally complex, like a combination of Schoenberg and reflective bebop."
- Gregory Sandow, Village Voice
"(Levick's) effort is to accept the fragments of our fundamentally shattered world and imaginatively transform them into vessels of beauty." - William Kraft, Composer